Friday, October 10, 2008


Next week, God willing, I will be celebrating 13 years clean and sober.

That's a miracle, pure and simple.

When I was newly sober, I discovered Joan Osborne's album, "Relish". It was raw. It was gritty and I loved every song.

This past September, Joan released a new album entitled, "Little Wild One." It's a softer kind of album and oddly enough, it fits the person I am today. I'm kind of softer too.

Some of you know that I am currently experiencing my own "dark night of the soul".....a deep and dry absence of God's presence. This morning I was listening to Joan Osborne's title track, "Little Wild One".

As I did, I pretended Jesus was singing this song to me, that I was his "little wild one." I pretended that instead of Joan, it was Jesus singing his longing for me, vocalizing His heart's desire for me to turn to Him so that he might fully heal and eternally embrace me.

It was a poignant moment for me. It was a moment when God suddenly did not seem so very far away...a moment where God actually seemed real and alive.

....anyhow, here's a YouTube video of Joan Osborne discussing her album and the song "Little Wild One."

I love this song....

Joan Osborne discusses "Little Wild One"

1 comment:

James said...

Congrats on the 13 years. I'm very proud of you. In 3 years I'll be there too, with the good Lord's help. So you're a teenager now. Cool. :-) James