Tuesday, September 23, 2008


On the way to school this morning, Youngest Daughter sighed wistfully and said, "I miss Oldest Daughter."

I replied, "I miss Oldest Daughter too!"

To which Youngest Daughter quickly responded, "No Mom, it's not the same. You had 18 years with Oldest Daughter and I only had seven. I'm missing 11 years with Oldest Daughter."

...and you know what?

I hadn't really looked at it that way before.

Even though we know that Oldest Daughter hasn't died and even though we know she's only an hour up the road, we still grieve her absence in our daily lives.

For the time being anyhow, Oldest Daughter's absence has torn a little hole in the very heart of our life together as a family. It's just a tiny hole, not a mortal wound; but knowing that doesn't really make it hurt any less.

I suppose you could say that the hole in our family's heart is kind of like a paper cut on your finger. It stings, it bewilders, but ultimately we know that it will heal.

....and life goes on.

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