Why vote and does it matter anyway?
The sister questions of, “Why should I vote?” and “ Does my vote count?” are important and I have several responses.
Let me begin by responding to the first question. I believe that it is both my privilege and my duty as a citizen of this nation to exercise my right to vote. Thousands of men and women have suffered genuine deprivation, pain and even death to ensure that I would have this opportunity to participate in the democratic process as an informed voter. One way that I am now able to honor their sacrifice is by casting my ballot. At the same time, it is by voting that I am working to ensure that future generations will also enjoy the privilege of casting their own ballets.
I could discuss my opinions regarding proportional representation and whether or not this country is a genuine democracy until the cows come home. Whether I agree with the current standard of vote counting/ballet casting or not, whether I approve of the two party system or not, whether I completely approve of one political candidate’s platform or not; one fact is indisputably clear. Voting does matter.
If an individual desires to find a reason to vote that exists outside the confines of the current social and political debates which polarize this country, then I believe they must find that reason within themselves.
I personally believe that each individual vote does matter. Why? Because each individual matters! Moreover, I believe that one single individual can effect change on both the local and the global level (change for either humanity’s benefit or its detriment). History has proven this truth over and over again. Examples of this abound in even our most recent world history.
Ultimately, I vote because I matter. I vote because the dreams I have for this country matter. I vote because I believe I can make a difference. I vote because I understand that I do not live in a vacuum. My actions and behaviors have consequences; and the act of voting is no different. Voting does have consequences, just as choosing not to vote has consequences.
Voting matters and each individual vote matters.
So get out there and vote!