Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday's Child

Ariah, age five is seeking a family to call her own.

All Ariah desires from her adoptive family is their willingness to read with her at bedtime and for someone to pray with her each evening.

All that and a gold crown. This precious child would also like to have a gold crown.

Won't you join me in praying for Ariah?


Heavenly Father, please place Ariah with a family that will both love and cherish her.

Oh, and God, if on the off chance that you really do just happen to have a stockpile of gold crowns in heaven, would you please reserve the best of the lot for our dear Ariah?

It seems to me, that if anyone deserves a crown, it would be Ariah.

Bless her Father.

In Christ's name, Amen.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's all good.

My friends, the quiet here at Blissfully Blogging is not a forever thing.

I simply need some time to assess my priorities, my life, and to examine all of the pesky "whys" that snarl and snap at me on a daily basis.

Do not give up on me.

My brain is tired.

My heart has hardened.

My soul has dried.

I need rest and prayer to revitalize and re-enflesh all that is whole and good within myself.

I'm taking this time to lose myself in the quiet of God's care and provision.

....and in doing so, I know two things are for certain.

One, that I am safe in God's care.

Two, that when I return I shall have tales to tell and insights to share.

Trust me, it's all good.

Very, very good.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Magic Balls

So, the magic 8 ball says to "Shut it down!".


.....who am I to argue?

This blog is closed until further notice!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen Things I Love and Hate

Thirteen Things I Love About Fall And Hate About Me

1…. I love the apple crisps of Fall!

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2.... I love the Autumn Leaves of Fall!

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3.... I love the extra hour of sleep that comes with the demise of Daylight Savings Time.

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4.... I hate that I am so fearful.

5... I hate that I'm still such a screw up and that deep down, I still believe I am worthless.

6... I love the cooler temperatures of Fall.

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7.... I hate that I feel as though nothing I do matters.

8.... I love to watch the new Fall line-up of television shows.

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9.... I love the Fall rain.

10... I hate that I am shy.

11... I hate that I am hormonal and depressed and struggling be positive about anything.

12... I love the smell of Fall...it's like a dry, crunchy leaf smell mingled with candied apples and kettle corn.

13... I hate that right now I just don't give a damn about Fall, about me, or about much else if the truth be told.

And so it goes....ain't life grand?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

An ocean of love.....

This evening, my five year old daughter snuggled up close
and whispered these words....

"Mommy, I love you so much that my love is like an ocean."

Then, she handed me the shell pictured above and said,

"This is for you, so you will never forget that I love you with an ocean of love."

I couldn't help myself.

I cried.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen Inedibles.

Thirteen Things I Will NOT Eat!
A topic stolen from my sister who could only think of seven things she would not eat.
I'm clearly the pickier eater.

1…. Escargot, otherwise known as snails. I will not eat snails. I don't care how yummy they smell. I don't care how delicious you may tell me they taste, I will not eat snails.

2.... Jackfruit, otherwise known as, well, jackfruit. This is one of those brightly colored, spiney kind of fruits that has a distinct flavor and odor. I tried it once and I just don't think I could ever bring myself to gag another bite down.

3.... Forgive me all of you raw fish lovers, but I just can't bring myself to gobble down sushi. Oh, I've had the vegetarian sushi and that's ok as long as I can throw on a little wasabi; but please, if you invite me to dinner, leave sushi off of the menu!

4.... Organ meats. Leave all of those delectable brains, tongues, sweetbreads and livers for the organ meat lovers amonst us. I, for one, will stick with chicken breasts, steaks and chops.

5.... When I was a kid, my dad would buy those little sardines in tins and eat them on crackers. OMG! The smell of those little buggers was the stuff that nightmares are made of! Now I know that sardine paste is good in worcesteshire and ceasar salad dressing, but please, don't remind me of that fact and let me eat in peace.

6.... Oysters. Yes, I've heard oysters are wonderful for one's libido, and I'm sure that if you are into that slimey kind of slurpy cuisine, oysters would be a delight to eat. Me? I'll pass on that experience.

7.... While my father was stationed in Greece, he fell in love with retsina. I never understood the attraction; but hey, different strokes for different folks, right? I've tried it, and what can I say? I'm not a fan.

8.... Green beans. I'm not sure when my hatred of all things green bean began. I think it was my mother's fault. She was from the south you see, and southerners believe green beans need to be cooked for hour upon hour with a couple of smoked ham hocks, a little salt and lots of cracked black pepper. I just remember those slimey, mushy beans and my mother's threat that she'd cram down my throat with a broom handle if I didn't clean my plate. Who could love green beads after that?

9.... Pruno. I've heard about pruno, but I've never had the opportunity to sample this unique and illegally concocted prison libation. I hope I never do.

10... Bird's nest soup. This is one delicacy I can do without. Don't even ask me to try it. Yes, I know that honey is bee vomit, but hey, bee vomit versus bird spit....I'll take the bee vomit.

11... Head cheese. Do people still even eat head cheese? Ugh! I suppose this "cheese" would fit in the organ meat category, but what the heck, why not give head cheese it's own special designation?

12... Fried eggs. Well, I don't have any childhood trauma/drama to associate with fried eggs, nor am I against eggs in general, I just abhor fried eggs. If my child's life depended upon my eating one, no problem, I'd gag it down; but I generally avoid fried eggs with the same passion that I avoid green beans and head cheese.

13... Oh, I don't know....how about brussel sprouts? I don't like brussel sprouts. I think they are cute. I don't mind cooking them for the brussel sprout lovers in my family; but I've never been inclined to even taste one. Maybe I should? What do you think?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun

Monday, September 04, 2006

The horns are a'goosing!

My husband and I have spent this weekend perched upon the horns of a great dilemma.

Do we send our two youngest children (grades 3 and kinder) to our community school (just two blocks away), or do we enroll our children in a new charter school (that is several miles away)?

The community school is here to stay. It's not going anywhere.

The charter school? Well, who knows. Neither the location, nor the charter are permanent.

The community school is a dual language immersion program. The charter school is an International Baccalaureate Organization candidate.

Both programs have strengths. Both programs are also riddled with problems that are of concern to us.

So now what do we do?

Toss a coin?

I just don't know which school would be best for our children and I'm tired....so tired of trying to figure it all out!

At this point, I just want off.

I want off the horns.

I'm tired of being goosed.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Stepping stones

Last weekend, I was unexpectedly asked to address our church body and to speak of my experiences serving women in our county's drug court program.

Here's a piece of what I shared....

Without exception, the women I meet with are anxious, and they are fearful. Since childhood, they have been told that they are worthless, weak, unloveable and stupid.

They take these words in and they let them define who they are.

By the time these women reach adulthood, they have become consummate self abusers. They abuse themselves in their thoughts by repeating the messages they heard as children. They abuse themselves with their actions by living the kinds of lifestyles that they know are hurtful and death dealing.

Then they come into our program.

I see my role as two fold. I am both a deprogrammer and I am a stepping stone.

I help them sift through the lies that they've been taught about themselves.

I get to help each woman discover that they are not worthless, that they can learn, that they are loveable.

I get to lay down my life, my time, my love and be their stepping stone. I get to be their stepping stone to learning to love themselves. I get to be their stepping stone to acquiring their GED credential. I get to be their stepping stone to discovering a loving God.

There is no greater privilege.


I stand by what I said too.

It is a privilege to kneel in service to another.

It is a privilege to offer one's self as a stepping stone to another person's healing.

Knowing this as I do, I cannot help but wonder why so few of us are willing to be stepping stones for others.

After all, isn't this precisely what Christ did for us?