Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Becoming Hope
"All of creation groans as it awaits redemption and I believe - to the soles of my feet believe - that this redemption will come. I have hope, true hope, that there is a welcoming light and love beyond this life and in that hope - and for that hope - I live, seeking to drape it like a comforting shawl over the shoulders of others, seeking to draw others into that light. This is no small part of what it means, I believe, to be born again: that in all of our weakness and failings, in all of our brokenness and pain we become the carriers of hope, the birthing mothers of hope, the womb of redemption, the nursery of restoration. We become hope."
Holy crap.
This is beautiful.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Blossoms, Snow and Prom Queens

flowering cherry blossom
Saturday it hailed like crazy. Black storm clouds darkened the mid-day sky and pea sized hail rained down from the heavens. In between the hail storms, brief snatches of bright light and blue sky would drift overhead. I took advantage of one such moment to snap the above photo. I think it's lovely, don't you?
This morning we awoke to our children's delighted shrieks of, "It's snowing! It's snowing!"
Below is a photo of our mid-April snow. It was lovely too!

Senior Prom was held last night.
Oldest daughter attended and was elected Prom Queen.
Can you believe that?
Well, here's a photo of oldest son clowning around in the Senior Prom Queen's royal sash and tiara!
Isn't HE lovely?

....can you believe oldest son let me snap this picture?
I'm still in shock!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Wide Eyed

middle daughter
Middle daughter is currently enjoying life with her Aunt Mendi, her Uncle Steve, and her cousin Steven in Iceland.
Yes, you read correctly!
Thus far, they've visited several museums, gone swimming in geothermal pools, and explored the countryside on Icelandic horses.
I'm not sure what's next on their agenda. Perhaps they will visit the magnificent Gullfoss waterfall, or dip their toes in the mineral-rich waters of the Blue Lagoon?
....all I can say is, what an adventure!
I wish I could see middle daughter's face! I bet she's wide eyed with the wonder of it all!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Prayer Needed!
We knew that there were high winds in Reno, but never believed for a moment the plane would be unable to land.
One hour later, the plane made two unsuccessful attempts to touch down in Reno, Nevada.
At this point in time, we are clueless about our 12 year old child's whereabouts. The airline has not been very helpful. All we know is that her plane was probably diverted to Sacramento.
This is middle daughter's first time on a plane.
Please pray for her. Pray that she has peace. Pray that she experiences this diversion as an adventure and not a cause for fear.
Pray for her Aunt, who is beside herself with worry.
Please pray for whatever else comes to mind.
I know I am.
~We heard from the airline. Middle daughter is safe and on the ground in Sacramento. Planes are now landing again in Reno and once middle daughter's plane is refueled everyone will return to Reno.
God willing she will be on the ground and in her Aunt's arms before 8:00 pm!
~Middle daughter has landed! All's well, that ends well!
Now let's just hope that her flight to Iceland goes smoothly in the morning!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
...my kind of church,
......my kind of ministry.
Watch it and see if you don't agree.
A Pastor After Christ's Own Heart
Friday, April 11, 2008
Anytime a movie like "The Blob", or "The Mummy", or "Dracula" was on network television I made it my business to watch.
As a result, my nightmares were sometimes filled with slow moving, life draining monsters. One might think that I would have had the advantage of an easy escape with a slow moving monster in pursuit; but noooo, because I was usually frozen in fear, slow moving monsters merely prolonged my terror.
The monsters of this century don't lumber about like the monsters of old. They strike quickly, as if by the speed of light. They leave little time for a victim to stand frozen in fear as they contemplate either escape or demise. By all appearances, modern day monsters have no time to waste and when they attack, they gut human life in one adrenaline pumping flash.
I am struck by how different the nightmares of this generation must be compared to those of my generation. People my age, well, we had time in our nightmares. Time to plan, time to escape, time to suffer. How does this younger generation dream? Are their nightmares filled with gore-splattered monsters and hapless victims who breathe their last breaths absent the time to think, or to defend, or to pray?
What effect must this have upon the human psyche, the human soul?
It all seems so horrifying to me; but then again, maybe I have it all backwards. Maybe it is better to dream the quick death of surprise, than to dream of staring one's own death in the eye?
Me? (Ignore my spontaneous shiver of terror.) I much prefer my nightmares of slow moving, geriatric monsters.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Surprisingly, I did not feel the need to defend the book, or to "correct" my friend.
And for me, this is evidence that God is at work in my life.
Today, I also met with our city's interim director of Community Services to discuss the role of our Social Services Advisory Board. In that meeting, I realized that even though we are very different people, with very divergent opinions on a variety of topics, we both care about our city. Thus, we were able to find common ground and as a result, our meeting was very productive.
This too, is evidence that God is at work in my life.
Left to my own devices, I would have verbally pummeled my friend to align her beliefs about "The Shack" with my own. Left to my own devices, I would have labeled the interim director of Community Services as my adversary, an attude that might very well have undermined our service to the very community we both value so highly.
...but something miraculous happens when a person walks through this life, arm and arm with the living God. They begin to realize the impotence of agendas and egos. They begin to see opportunities where others see only the battle. They begin to realize that their adversaries are really their brothers and sisters in disguise.
I have found that it is virtually impossible for me to set aside my own ego, my own agenda, my own need to be right. Left to my own devices, I wouldn't even try.
....but again, something miraculous happens when a person walks through this life, arm and arm with the living God. God changes everything and miracle of miracles, God is changing me.
Thank you God, for the peace you have given me today.
That peace is a treasure beyond words.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Plain Spoken
I will admit to being strongly outspoken. I will admit to passionately advocating for my neighbors (57% of whom live at, or below Federal poverty income guidelines).
I wasn't quite prepared however, when one official looked me in the eye and said, "You Ms. So and So, are the most dangerous kind of woman."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes. You are a plain spoken woman with a mission."
So there you have it.
I'm plain spoken.
I'm on a mission and by golly, I'm a dangerous old broad.
And you know what?
I really am.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Last night we attended our High School Honor Society Awards Banquet.
Oldest daughter and oldest son were both honored.
Oldest daughter graduates this year. She is class valedictorian and will graduate with a perfect 4.0 GPA. She has lettered numerous times in three different sports. She is well liked by her peers and her teachers hold her in high esteem.
We are so proud of her.
It has been very frustrating to know that in spite of oldest daughter's accomplishments there is a high likelihood that she will be unable to attend college in the Fall. Unfortunately for her, she was born into a poor family that is unable to pay her college tuition. Unfortunately for her, the colleges to which she has applied (and been accepted) are either unwilling or unable to offer her a financial aid package that will afford her the opportunity to attend college. Thus far, three of the four colleges have come in $7600.00 below the amount required for one full year of academic attendance.
Today we received the financial aid package from her fourth college. I am on pins and needles waiting to see if this particular university will offer more in the way of financial aid. I can hardly wait until oldest daughter comes home and opens her letter.
We can contribute a few thousand to oldest daughter's education, but if she needs more than that then oldest daughter screwed.
The sad thing is, there are many young men and women in the same boat as our daughter. Something has to change. As a society, we must do more to make higher education possible for these academically gifted, but financially challenged youth.
If we don't, then I am afraid we are all screwed.