watercolor by j. N-LLast Christmas I began volunteering with our local drug court.
"Drug Court is a program designed to stop drug and alcohol abuse, addiction and related criminal activity. The program targets low level offenders and places them under strict court monitoring and supervision, and provides them with drug and alcohol treatment. Drug Court involves a specialized team consisting of a drug court judge, attorneys, probation officers, substance abuse evaluators and treatment professionals. The team works collaboratively to monitor, supervise, support and encourage drug court participants throughout the program. "
One of the requirements made of drug court clients in our county, is that each participant must either have graduated from high school or obtain their GED credential before they can successfully complete the drug court program. For the past few months, I have been helping several women prepare for the GED test.
Recently, I was invited to participate as member of the drug court team. This is very scary for me. After all, I'm not a judge, or attorney, or treatment professional. I'm just a mom, who believes in the goodness that lies within in each of us.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not naive. I was raised in an alcoholic family and I have my own intimate acquaintance with the power of addiction. As a result, I'm not easily fooled by the shenanigans of addicted behavior and thinking. Even though my heart may be tender, I have firm, and healthy personal boundries.
Still, this is new territory for me and I am afraid. I'm afraid that I'll make a mistake, or look foolish, or fail to advocate for a client when I know that I should.
So where does this leave me?
I'm still anxious, but determined. It's ok to be afraid. What isn't ok, is my tendency to let my own fear confine me in a box, however metaphorical.
I believe that the power to make a positive difference in the life of someone else lies within each of us. Have you ever considered stepping out of your own box, whatever that box may be, to help make a difference in the life of another human being? I would encourage you to try if you haven't already!
After all, if I can do it, anyone can!