Tad, the triops
My children and I love to grow triops .
They are ancient, and uncomely creatures. (See what I mean by clicking here!)
Triops are much larger than their sea monkey cousins, and can grow up to three inches long. Yes, you read correctly, three inches long!
Recently our ever curious feline Maddie, ate two of our larger triops. Alas, with one deft swoop of her paw, Maddie snagged two clueless triops to consume as her morning kitty treat
Baaad kitty!
Tad, this ode is for you!
The Lance Family Ode to Tad
written by the Lance Family Children, 2005
Tad the triops, swam with glee
No happier triops was there than he.
Until one day, the cat took note
How Tad would bob, and dive, and float.
The cat began to plan her attack
determined to make poor Tad her snack.
Tad was so busy swimming and sunning,
that he never saw our kitty's paw coming.
And thus it was on this cloudless day
that Tad the triops passed away.
Boo hoo, poor Tad is dead.
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