Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen Questions For Church Leadership

Thirteen Questions I Have For Leaders In My Church.

1…. Why do you believe that the theories of creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive?

2.... Why can't gays and lesbians hold positions of leadership (either paid or volunteer) within our church?

3.... Who is Christ to you? How do you experience the Risen Lord? Do believe that you live an incarnational life? If so, what does that incarnational life look like as you go about your day?

4.... How do you think Jesus would feel about our church charging individuals to take "New Believer" classes?

5... Why aren't there any formal discipleship or spiritual formation groups that meet regularly in order that we might share, discuss and encourage one another as we grow in Christ?

6... Do you ever feel as though our church is more like a religious drive thru peddling Jesus burgers than it is a house of worship?

7... Have we, and by "we" I mean the church, forgotten the costly grace of the cross in favor of a safe, sweet, feel good religion?

8... Why are questions like these so bothersome to you?

9... Shouldn't it bother you more that our congregation is predominantly upper middle/upper upper class white people in a neighborhood inhabited by colorful poor folk?

10... Why can't dogs go to heaven when they die?

11... Must all worship songs be sung as if they are dirges?

12... How come our youth never lead our worship or participate in our preaching?

13... Why can't you just love me without expectations of conformity? God does, why can't you?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Is this the complete story of my life, or what?

(And yes, I would dearly love a little cheese with my whine!)

PS~My day started off well enough and then BLAM! All heck broke loose, old insecurities were raised and right now, I feel about as small as a zit on the ass end of an amoeba.....but that's blog fodder for another day now, isn't it?

A daily choosing...

This morning, I rose earlier than usual and I watched the sun break over the eastern sky.

Christ was with me and we sat side by side in my backyard. We held hands, and I felt the pulsing of His heart and He felt the pulsing of mine.

There was one moment of such indescribable sweetness, that tears welled up within my eyes and spilled over my cheeks.

I so rarely cry.

In fact, I have years upon years of uncried tears locked within me; but Christ is teaching me to honor my own tears.

Even now, Christ is tenderly, and patiently holding my hand as we cry for the beauty of this shared life in Him, and His life in me.

I've had many people (even Christian people) doubtingly question this incarnational relationship. "Is He real?" people will ask. "Do you really think Christ is physically there with you?"

My friends, Christ is real.

The question is, how real will you allow Christ to be in your life?


I choose this flesh and blood savior, this flesh and blood friend and collector of my tears.

I choose you Lord!

I choose you!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Treading water....

I don't know why, but I love this photo.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Gifts, God and Gardens of the Soul.

My mother died several months ago, and my sister found this old letter in our mother's belongings.

It was written to me, by my father while he was serving his country in Vietnam.

My sister sent this letter to me in my birthday card. She has asked me what my thoughts are about receiving this gift and I have decided to share them.

Receiving this letter is, I think, a perfect birthday present.

Let me explain why.

Years ago, when I was just a little girl and my father was away fighting in a war that I could not possibly understand, my mother and I would watch the evening news.

Every evening we would see images of the war. Images that are, even today, frozen in my mind's eye. The sad thing is, as awful as those images were/still are, they didn't frighten me nearly as much as my own mother.

You see, every evening, after Walter Cronkite would bid the nation goodnight, my mother would turn to me and say, "Jerri, you had better be a good girl because if you don't, God will punish you and your daddy won't ever come home."

At the tender age of six, I began to believe that my father's fate hinged upon my performance at home. I began to believe that God was all about rewarding the good and punishing the bad. I began to believe that I had to be perfect in order to be loved; and I simultaneously began to sense that I could never be good enough, or perfect enough no matter how hard I tried.

At the tender age of six, I took on the responsibility for saving the world, and the tangled roots of my own despair began to grow deep within the soil of my childhood.

Do you know what it is to despair?

I do.

I learned to despair in front of the nightly news, watching men die, wondering if one of them was my father and believing that each and every death occurred because I was a bad girl.

For many years, I carried that despair within me, and that despair grew and grew until I tried everything I possibly could to drown it away. I tried sex, I tried academics, I tried booze, I tried chocolate, I tried working hard, I tried having babies, I mean I tried everything I could until there was nothing left for me to try. Out of options and driven to my knees by despair, I finally tried the only remaining "thing" for me to try.

I tried God.

Learning to love God, and to love myself has been a long and sometimes painful process. It has taken years for the two of us to weed the garden of my own soul; but I have found that God is as faithful a gardener as He is a sheperd. He does not dig too deep, or tug too hard, unless I am ready to stand with Him, my own shovel in hand.

So, when I say that this letter is the perfect birthday gift, I do so because it reminds me of how far I've come with God as my friend, companion and gentle gardener.

Years ago, I would have burned this letter. I would have burned it because it would have represented yet another niggling root of despair trying to wind its way through my life.

Today, I can see and appreciate the tenderness of the father who wrote those words in the letter above, because I have experienced the love and the tenderness of my heavenly Father.

Now when I see this letter, when I hold this yellowing page in my hands, I feel such compassion and love for my parents. I am finally able to see their humanity in all its glory and its weakness.

This letter is a perfect present because it reminds me that my lifetime of anger and despair has been uprooted by the love of Christ. know, we Christians like to talk about how we can never return to the Garden of Eden. I always fluff a few holier than thou feathers when I say that I'm ok with that. I don't need the Garden of Eden, and I have no desire to return there.

God is creating a new garden within my own soul; and for me, this soul garden is enough. It is my home, you see. I love to live in this garden, because God is there and He's wearing His floppy hat, gardening gloves, and a smile that vanquishes every dark root of sorrow and suffering.

God is good.

I am good.

This present is good.

The end.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen Gifts!

Thirteen Slammin Gifts That I Received On My Birthday!

1... Four handmade birthday cards from five of my children!

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2... A fight free, whine free day.

3... Tiramisu birthday cake with real marscapone cheese and lady fingers!

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4... A visit from my friend Annie, and her two adorable grandsons!

5... See's chocolates from my oldest daughter. Included in the mix was this....a MANPOP!

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6... Beth Orton's CD, "Comfort of Strangers".

7... A birthday card and monetary gift from my Dad!

8... A birthday card and gift from my sister, Mendi. More about that gift tomorrow!

9... The gift of a new piece of art made by my ever creative friend Annie!

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10... A cool day in June! (I hate the heat.)

11... Good health. (Last summer it was believed that I might have breast cancer....biopsies, mammograms, and consults were the words of the summer of 2005.)

12... A home cooked dinner I didn't have to prepare. (Roasted chicken, freshly baked bread, and a salad of mixed greens, spiced pecans, dried cranberries, feta cheese and balsamic vinaigrette.)

13... A God who still forgives me, accepts me, and adores me beyond my wildest dreams.

Does life get any better than this?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Explosive Entertainment for the Curious!

The Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments:
What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 500 Mentos mints?

It's amazing and completely insane.

The first part of this video demonstrates a simple geyser, and the second part shows just how extreme it can get. Over one hundred jets of soda fly into the air in less than three minutes.

It's a hysterical and spectacular mint-powered version of the Bellagio Fountains in Las Vegas, brought to you by the mad scientists at

Go see! I ask you, am I the only one who didn't know about this whole coke/mentos reaction thing?

Hats off to Bobbie for the link!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday dear Jerri!
Happy Birthday to me!

On this most auspicious day of my birth, I thank each and everyone of you for all of the gracious, loving kindness that you have shown me over the years!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Tomato anatomy 101!

Maybe I have too much time on my hands....

....but, what does this look like to you?

C'mon now!

You tell me!

Is this appendage a giant tomato schnoz, or is it something that hangs just a tad bit lower?

What do I think?

Well, when I saw this funny little tomato mutation, my first thoughts were that I wanted to find a little pair of wire rimmed glasses for this picture.

What can I say?

I guess it's just my nature to aim a little higher than most!


Friday, June 16, 2006

Snapea Heaven

I needed to travel to the big city yesterday and on the way home, I decided to stop by Trader Joe's.

I escaped (or so I thought) with only one impulse buy...a single, solitary bag of
Snapea Crisps.

My friends, make no mistake, once you have tried just one green, crispety crunchety, snap pea shaped morsel, you will be hooked!

So, here's a word of caution. If you see a bag of these little buggers in your local market: BEWARE!

Snapea Crisps are the crystal meth of the snack world!

I kid you not, they are that delicious!

Now that I've consumed the entire bag, I'm so hooked on Snapea Crisps, that I'm considering making a bulk purchase. Yes, for a mere $30.00 I can buy an entire case of Snapea Crisps to feed my new craving.

If that isn't a sure fire sign of addiction, I don't know what is!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen Fantastic Blogs!

Thirteen Blogs That Rock Jerri's World!

1…. Jen Gray : This is an absolutely amazing blog. Gorgeous photos, combined with tender thoughts.

2... A New Life Emerging: My all time favorite "God blog".

3... PostSecret: If you have any mojo at all, you've already heard of this blog. Sad, sweet, funny, this best describes this weekly postcard collection of honest and anonymous soul baring.

4... Frogblog: I don't know why I like this blog exactly. I just do. Frog is funny and she loves God. Funny, God loving women are just cooler than cool!

5... Kinesis: Another God blog written by a newly ordained Anglican/Episcopal priest. This amazing woman hooked me when she was writing from, and about the mission field in South Africa. I think she has a good brain (aka-really smart) and an even "gooder" heart.

6... Altered Belly: Groovy art at it's best.

7... Michele Goldstein: Everyone knows hot glass goddess Michele, don't they? Gorgeous glass and gorgeous photos from a gorgeous soul!

8... Zaftig: My sister's blog. She's funny and sometimes irreverent, but never phoney. If she really wanted to, I think she could actually write a commercial blog. It would be one of those blogs that lots of people read because it's so "laugh your ass off funny"!

9... Sugarfused: Oh my! This blog features floral eye candy at its best! I tell you what, her photos will literally induce a visual orgasm. I mean it, this is just good stuff!

10... Amalah: This "mom blog" is a new find for me. She's very funny in a way I wish that I was.

11... My Little Mochi: Awww, this blog is just too freaking sweet. I love her! I love her! I lover her!

12... Thompson Designs: Mixed media art at its best! Her collage sometimes rocks my world in a very huge way. Wish I could afford one of her pieces....

13... Wow! 13 came quickly today and I still have so, so many blogs to mention that touch my heart and my life on a weekly basis. I'm going to list some more of them anyway, because this is my blog and because I can!

Today at the Mission: There aren't many bloggers that I would like to meet in person, but this is one!

My Little Place Online: What can I say? Debb's just about the sweetest soul around.

Posie Gets Cozie: Just because, ok? I like this one "just because"!

Oh, there are just soooo many blogs and so little time; and trust me I read more than these during any given week. (Like Bob, over at bobsthoughts, as well as a multitude of others!)

I admit it. I need a 12 step program for my blog addiction. I am powerless!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Vision, blindness, and Christ's church

I mentioned in my last blog post that Jesus has been with me in my dreams.

I think God often visits us in our dreams.

In the end however, our dream lives are very much like our everyday, wide awake lives. In either state, asleep or awake, we almost always fail to notice the divine.

I am inclined to believe that many of us do encounter the divine in our dream lives; but I also believe that most of us tend to discount much of what we discover when we are awake again.

The conscious mind is forever trying to demystify God.

I have reached a place in my life where I no longer want to demystify. I only want to live the Divine Presence; but I do find that this is incredibly hard work, because everything in both myself and the world, is constantly pulling me from that precious divine center...

Yes, well this is a post about my dream life and about Christ, so let's just get to the dream shall we?

In my dream, I had just entered the auditorium lobby on my way to watch my two youngest daughters dance in their spring ballet production of "Willy Wonka".

There were hundreds of people milling about, but when I opened the auditorium door I encountered absolute silence and pitch black darkness. I could neither see nor hear a thing. Strangely enough, it felt as though I were the only one there.

As I glanced to where the stage should be, something happened.

Faces began to emerge from the darkness. The first face was that of my pastor. He stumbled forward, groping and blind. It was clear to me that he could not see. He kept calling out, "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Next to him I saw a young girl. She was eight or so, and she recoiled from the pastor. To me, it seemed she mistook his blindness for drunkenness and was afraid.

More faces emerged. All kinds of faces. Young faces, old faces, rich faces and poor faces.

Each person emerged and remained separate and distant from the other. In the middle of them all, stood my pastor, blindly reaching for those whom he sensed were there but could neither see nor reach.

Then a hushed stillness fell upon the auditorium. Every person on the stage stood in a state of intense alertness, all eyes turned toward the center aisle.

Jesus appeared.

There was no fanfare, no bright lights to announce his presence, yet every eye was upon him, even my pastor's blind eyes gazed intently, as if seeing every precious detail of Christ's person.

As Christ approached them, my pastor fell to his knees and cried, "My Lord!"

Jesus walked up to him, knelt down and kissed his eyes. Then both of them rose, and Christ began joining hand to hand, until everyone on the stage stood connected, and united.

Jesus smiled. He turned toward me and said, "This is my church."

"Jerri, will you stand with us?" Jesus asked holding out his hands to me.

There he was! Christ! Christ was standing next to my blind pastor (who in real life isn't blind at all). Christ was standing hand in hand with every conceivable type of person. Christ was standing with His church..

And Christ was asking me, would I join Him and stand with His church too?

Oh I wanted to stand! I wanted to run to Him. I wanted to run to Christ and to kiss him, to kiss my blind pastor, to kiss the child next to him....but I just sat.

Then I woke up and everything and everyone was gone...but, the question still remains.

Will I stand with Christ's church?

Do I have what it takes to stand with the church in both its vision and its blindness?

Am I willing to humbly join hands with my brothers and sister?

I think I am.

I am.

What about you?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A night filled with visions

The other night Jesus was with me in my dreams.

We were driving down the road to pick up my five year old from pre-school.

Jesus was quiet, and he was staring intently out the car window, as if entranced by the trees which seemed to bow before us as we drove through the noisy mid-day traffic.

"So Jesus," I say, "whatcha thinking?"

He turns to look at me with an odd smile on his lips. "I'm just thinking about what a beautiful drive this is today."

"Uhhh yeah, sure it is." I replied not quite sure what to say next.

"No really, " Jesus says, "It's beautiful."

"Ooookaaay." I reply slowly. I mean what's Jesus really thinking? After all, it's not all that beautiful driving down Broadway Street...

I sensed somehow that Jesus was mildly frustrated by my reply (and attitude).

After a brief pause, Jesus quietly says to me:

"Jerri, your Father and I have placed you here, smack dab in the Kingdom of God, yet you will not open the eyes of your own soul to see. You have not lived until you experience the beauty of what is."

When I turned to answer him, Jesus was gone.

I was alone and driving under a canopy of bowing trees...


I had another Jesus dream too; but I think that I need to quietly and tenderly "be" with this dream before I share it with all of you. I won't say too much more except that this other dream was also about blindness, vision and the Kingdom of God.

What a strange and lovely thing it is to have experienced a night filled with visions.

Even now, as I sit here typing, I am still slightly awed.... much so, that I can only wonder at what the day shall hold!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen....

Today, in her blog, my sister shared her thirteen thoughts as she sat through her first Alanon meeting.

In a similar vein, I would like to share thirteen things that I learned growing up in our alcoholic family.

I believe that most of the behaviors listed below are experienced by nearly every (adult) child who has lived in a home damaged by alcoholism.

If you recognize yourself in this list, might I suggest to you that there is another way? It is possible to heal the deep wounds inflicted by our alcoholic parent(s). It is possible to change, to be healthy and whole.

I know this because with God's help, and with the help of other loving women, I myself, am living and loving my way to wholeness.

Contact your local Alanon office. If there is an ACOA group in your area, contact them. Failing that, contact a therapist familiar with the issues of ACOA's. Or do all of the above.

The point is, help is available. Get help.

You are worth it!

Thirteen Things erroneous ways of being I learned growing up in an alcoholic home.
Thirteen reasons why alcoholism is called the "gift that keeps on giving".

1…. Feelings are bad.

2.... I am bad. I am no good. I am worthless.

3.... Don't trust others or myself.

4.... If I make a mistake, I am a mistake.

5.... Promises mean nothing and chaos is normal.

6.... Don't rock the boat, or you will get the shit kicked out of you.

7.... Doing things perfectly is the only way to protect myself.

8.... Denial is a good thing. (Example: My childhood was/is normal.)

9.... Physical and emotional abandonment happens to me because I am damaged goods, unworthy, worthless.

10... No one will ever love me.

11... Love isn't real anyway.

12... Negative self talk is normal, affirming and loving.

13... It is normal to subordinate my own wishes, needs and desires to accomodate everyone else. (Can anyone say, "co-dependency"?)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

One child's theology!

This morning my youngest daughter and I were walking through our neighborhood.

We saw another woman approaching in the opposite direction and my daughter asks, "Who's that Mommy?"

"Pfft, I don't know." I reply.

The woman passes us and I smile and we all say "hello" to one another.

My young daughter looks at me and asks again, "Mommy, are you sure you don't know that lady?"

"Ummm Sweetheart, do you think Mommy knows everyone in our neighborhood?"

"Of course you know everyone." she replies.

"Now how would I know everyone?" I ask her, genuinely interested in her response.

"Well," she explained patiently, "You know Jesus, and He knows everyone in the world."

"So," I said laughing, "I guess that means if I know Jesus, than no one is a stranger and everyone is my friend?"

Her response?

First she giggled, and then she said, "Exactly!"

And you know what?

I think she's on to something!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

What kind of soul are you?

Jerri is a Visionary Soul

Jerri is a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
She is connected to all things spiritual, and she is very connected to her own soul.
Jerri is wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, Jerri gets quite depressed and has dark feelings.

Jerri has great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, she is often profound in a way that surprises herself.
Visionary souls like Jerri can be the best type of friend.
She is intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Jesus in the bathroom

As I lay convalescing from the demands of a particularly grueling day, I hear my five year old yell to me from inside our downstairs bathroom.

"Mommy" she hollers, "is Jesus with me even when I go potty?"

Too tired to be diplomatic I holler back, "Yes dear, Jesus is with us everywhere we go. Do you have a problem with that?"

There was a brief pause, the toilet flushes and then my daughter's smiling face appears.

Laughing in that chortling kind of way that only five year olds are able to laugh she says "No Mommy, it's ok if Jesus is with me in the bathroom, because Jesus always looks at our souls not our private parts."

"You got that right!" I replied as I laughed and gathered her into my arms and smiled into her hair.

Jesus is real.

He is with us everywhere; and if, on some level that creeps you out, don't worry, I have it on good authority that Jesus always looks at our souls not our private parts!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Blog plug

Every now and then I like to give a blog plug.

I haven't done this in quite a while. Why? I don't know. Self obsessed maybe?

Yes well, if you ever visit Debb, over at "My Little Place Online", then you know that she has plugged this blog and with good reason. This blog is well written, it's timely; and dang it all America, we shouldn't forget!

We shouldn't forget what happened in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit, and we shouldn't forget the people who at this very moment are working to rebuild their lives and their communities.

Hurricane Season officially began yesterday. Experts predict a particularly harsh storm season this year. I hope they are wrong.

Well enough from me.

Stop by the New Orleans Slate: A Post-Katrina Chronicle.

It's beautifully written, poignant and like the thousands of people who were damaged and stricken by Katrina, it's worth the investment of your time.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen Reasons?

Thirteen Reasons Why This MEME Almost Didn't Get Written Today

1…. I feel like I'm such a freaking failure and being as mired in self pity as I am today, I don't feel like writing anything, much less a MEME about me.

2.... I have a million other things that I need to do, and those "things" include completing two important projects whose deadlines have already come and gone.

3.... It's the X-Files marathon on the Sci-fi channel today and I'd rather be watching a few (if not all) of those episodes.

4.... My darling five year old is being, well a typical five year old. Earlier this morning she decided to create a very Diego Rivera-esque mural in purple crayon across her bedroom wall. Deciding whether I should chastise or congratulate her efforts drained me of every available ounce of brain power. How could I possibly write this MEME without a little brain juice to grease my neural pathways?

5.... In the grand scheme of things, who really cares what I write anyway, so why bother? (Self pity alert flashing with that one!)

6.... It's raining and I'd rather be on a puddle stomp than sitting here writing this.

7.... After the puddle stomp, all I want to do is to drink coffee, watch the X-Files and eat chocolate...did I say that already?

8.... My back hurts. It's hard to sit here and type when my back hurts. Even now, I'm thinking, "Jerri, get off the gosh darn computer before the spasms increase and you become a whimpering pile of Mom flesh lieing prostrate on the floor!"

9.... God is poking around my insides with that holy sceptor of His and I feel pretty stirred up right now. Why, oh why, won't God let me live happily in my own brokenness? Why must I always be confronting those parts of myself that stand in my way of being a wholly healed child of God? It's all I can do to get through this day. Forget about all that insightful linguist crap I talked about earlier in the week. Today, I'm devoid of words that have any value.

10... I just don't want to write...long prolonged whine alert...I juuuust dooon't waaaant tooooo wriiiiite toooodaaaay!

11... My husband has to type up a bunch of reports on the computer. Hence my time here is limited, hence this MEME very nearly didn't get written.

12... I've developed a new addiction to an old computer game and it's taking up more time in my life than the law should allow. I'm not sure what the name of this game is, all I know is that I have to match a bunch of shapes that make pretty noises when I line up more than three in a row. (It's the pretty noises that have me hooked, I'm sure of it.)

13... I am a champion procrastinator. I very nearly procrastinated this MEME into Never NeverLand. Aren't you oh so glad that I persevered?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!