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1…. I feel like I'm such a freaking failure and being as mired in self pity as I am today, I don't feel like writing anything, much less a MEME about me. 2.... I have a million other things that I need to do, and those "things" include completing two important projects whose deadlines have already come and gone. 3.... It's the X-Files marathon on the Sci-fi channel today and I'd rather be watching a few (if not all) of those episodes. 4.... My darling five year old is being, well a typical five year old. Earlier this morning she decided to create a very Diego Rivera-esque mural in purple crayon across her bedroom wall. Deciding whether I should chastise or congratulate her efforts drained me of every available ounce of brain power. How could I possibly write this MEME without a little brain juice to grease my neural pathways? 5.... In the grand scheme of things, who really cares what I write anyway, so why bother? (Self pity alert flashing with that one!) 6.... It's raining and I'd rather be on a puddle stomp than sitting here writing this. 7.... After the puddle stomp, all I want to do is to drink coffee, watch the X-Files and eat chocolate...did I say that already? 8.... My back hurts. It's hard to sit here and type when my back hurts. Even now, I'm thinking, "Jerri, get off the gosh darn computer before the spasms increase and you become a whimpering pile of Mom flesh lieing prostrate on the floor!" 9.... God is poking around my insides with that holy sceptor of His and I feel pretty stirred up right now. Why, oh why, won't God let me live happily in my own brokenness? Why must I always be confronting those parts of myself that stand in my way of being a wholly healed child of God? It's all I can do to get through this day. Forget about all that insightful linguist crap I talked about earlier in the week. Today, I'm devoid of words that have any value. 10... I just don't want to write...long prolonged whine alert...I juuuust dooon't waaaant tooooo wriiiiite toooodaaaay! 11... My husband has to type up a bunch of reports on the computer. Hence my time here is limited, hence this MEME very nearly didn't get written. 12... I've developed a new addiction to an old computer game and it's taking up more time in my life than the law should allow. I'm not sure what the name of this game is, all I know is that I have to match a bunch of shapes that make pretty noises when I line up more than three in a row. (It's the pretty noises that have me hooked, I'm sure of it.) 13... I am a champion procrastinator. I very nearly procrastinated this MEME into Never NeverLand. Aren't you oh so glad that I persevered? |
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