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1…. Escargot, otherwise known as snails. I will not eat snails. I don't care how yummy they smell. I don't care how delicious you may tell me they taste, I will not eat snails. 2.... Jackfruit, otherwise known as, well, jackfruit. This is one of those brightly colored, spiney kind of fruits that has a distinct flavor and odor. I tried it once and I just don't think I could ever bring myself to gag another bite down. 3.... Forgive me all of you raw fish lovers, but I just can't bring myself to gobble down sushi. Oh, I've had the vegetarian sushi and that's ok as long as I can throw on a little wasabi; but please, if you invite me to dinner, leave sushi off of the menu! 4.... Organ meats. Leave all of those delectable brains, tongues, sweetbreads and livers for the organ meat lovers amonst us. I, for one, will stick with chicken breasts, steaks and chops. 5.... When I was a kid, my dad would buy those little sardines in tins and eat them on crackers. OMG! The smell of those little buggers was the stuff that nightmares are made of! Now I know that sardine paste is good in worcesteshire and ceasar salad dressing, but please, don't remind me of that fact and let me eat in peace. 6.... Oysters. Yes, I've heard oysters are wonderful for one's libido, and I'm sure that if you are into that slimey kind of slurpy cuisine, oysters would be a delight to eat. Me? I'll pass on that experience. 7.... While my father was stationed in Greece, he fell in love with retsina. I never understood the attraction; but hey, different strokes for different folks, right? I've tried it, and what can I say? I'm not a fan. 8.... Green beans. I'm not sure when my hatred of all things green bean began. I think it was my mother's fault. She was from the south you see, and southerners believe green beans need to be cooked for hour upon hour with a couple of smoked ham hocks, a little salt and lots of cracked black pepper. I just remember those slimey, mushy beans and my mother's threat that she'd cram down my throat with a broom handle if I didn't clean my plate. Who could love green beads after that? 9.... Pruno. I've heard about pruno, but I've never had the opportunity to sample this unique and illegally concocted prison libation. I hope I never do. 10... Bird's nest soup. This is one delicacy I can do without. Don't even ask me to try it. Yes, I know that honey is bee vomit, but hey, bee vomit versus bird spit....I'll take the bee vomit. 11... Head cheese. Do people still even eat head cheese? Ugh! I suppose this "cheese" would fit in the organ meat category, but what the heck, why not give head cheese it's own special designation? 12... Fried eggs. Well, I don't have any childhood trauma/drama to associate with fried eggs, nor am I against eggs in general, I just abhor fried eggs. If my child's life depended upon my eating one, no problem, I'd gag it down; but I generally avoid fried eggs with the same passion that I avoid green beans and head cheese. 13... Oh, I don't know....how about brussel sprouts? I don't like brussel sprouts. I think they are cute. I don't mind cooking them for the brussel sprout lovers in my family; but I've never been inclined to even taste one. Maybe I should? What do you think? |
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Good lord, you could dump most of those into categories and not look like such a finicky eater! I have only 7.
Yup, I guess you did only list seven....which just proves my point all the more.
I don't have a very adventurous palate!
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