This summer is rapidly drawing to a close. I can feel it in the shortening days, see it in the changing leaves, and smell it in the air. Funny how we really don’t need calendars to tell us these things, isn’t it?
Right now, we are in an in between time. By that I mean the air is still hot and sticky, but already the leaves on the trees are beginning to blossom from green into orange and crimsom hues.
Soon, the leaves will have completely transformed themselves and they will begin to fall. At first one will slowly drift down, followed by another; and then, as if by magic, they will begin to drop in soft waves that undulate with the Fall breeze.
I find that my own life often mirrors the seasons. Like these late summer leaves, I feel as though I am in an in between place. No longer young, but not quite over the hill, I too am transforming pieces of my life.
Slowly, one by one, I am letting go of my old habits, as well as the self defeating thoughts and behaviors that no longer serve me in my present life. It's a painful process at times and truthfully, I fear to see myself naked and seemingly barren, like the trees themselves shall soon be.
As I begin to transform my old defensive habits, as I begin to let go of the resentment, and as I begin to release the haunting fears that have dominated my life, what will remain? Who will I be then?
Hmmmmm, just who will I be then? I wonder.....
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