There's a song stuck in my head this morning. It won't leave me alone. It just keeps playing and playing...
Several lines go like this, "I wanna be your hands! Wanna be your feet! I want to go where you send me! Go where you send me!"
For those of you who don't know, this is a Christian song and it's speaking of the singer's longing to serve God. I've mentioned in other posts that I'm one of those "second rate" kind of Christians. I'm the kind of Christian who openly admits that God doesn't fit into a nice tidy box. I'm the kind that wrestles and questions and wonders.
Ahhh, but getting back to the tune...
When I hear this song I cannot help but wonder, "Does God really give other Christians roadmaps for their lives? Do they really know when and where God is sending them? Do they really understand what it means to serve, to be the hands and feet of Christ?
I think that there are some us in the world, who do believe that God will conveniently plunk secret spiritual roadmaps into our laps. George Bush seems to be such a man and some of the Christian right seem to think he's such a man.
George Bush also seems to think it his mission is to save America by invading foreign soil. Bush certainly has no qualms about sending this nation's sons and daughters to die on foreign soil. He's rather bold about sending others, don't you think?
Does Bush have any idea what it means to serve this country? I'm not sure that our president has a clue about what it means to serve. He may want to "help"; but helping is a relationship of inequality. It implies one person is stronger, reaching down to lift up another. It has been my profound experience in helping others that I sometimes rob them of more than I give by helping in the first place....
Serving on the other hand, well serving is a relationship of equality. It is about bringing out into the world for others, all that is whole and healthy in ourselves. Is this what our politicians are doing? Are they truly serving?
If I were able to ask all of our declared Christian congressmen and women just one two fold question, that question would be it, "Are you truly serving and if so, whom are you serving?"
I wonder what they would answer, if they answered at all?