Thursday, September 23, 2004

Just Kill It!

Ok, so I belong to a bead related e-group and the other day a woman writes in detailing how her Mom has died and how she promised her Mom that she would take care of her Mom's cat after her Mother's death.

Follow me so far?

Well then the writer describes how the cat is seriously psycho and has bitten her child, blah, blah, blah. The woman's next questions concern the pending euthenization of her cat. Should she put the cat down? How could she do that and still honor her mother's wishes.....blah, blah blah.

The responses so far from our e-group members have read something like this, "I love animals; but if one bites my kid, it's toast!"

Hmmmmm, here's a cat that has lost everything familiar. It's home is gone, it's human companion is gone and suddenly it is thrust into a new environment. There are kids and noises and other distractions......

The cat responds with biting and we all stand around saying, "Baaad kitty! Baaad kitty!"

Or worse yet, we respond with, "Just kill it! Kill it! Kill it!"

Am I the only one here that sees the insanity of this?

Can't anyone else see the obvious solution of finding an older person or couple who desire a pet companion and who might be willing to welcome this cat into their home?

Why are we so quick to respond with, "Just kill it!"?

"Just kill it!"

What a mantra for the modern world....

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