Last March I began an art doll round robin. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the round robin concept, let me explain it to you.
This particular art doll round robin was comprised of 8 individuals including myself. Each person in our group created a doll torso out of any medium they desired. The only requirement was that the torso had to be three dimensional.
Once we had completed our torso's we mailed the doll, with a journal and a disposable camera to the next person on the round robin list. That person would then make additions to the both the doll and the journal, shoot a couple of pictures and then send the doll on to the next person. This process would continue until each doll cycled through all of the artists in the round robin and returned to the original artist in its completed form.
My doll began her journey as a sewn, stuffed fabric torso. Over these intervening months, she has acquired a face, wings, feathers, copper hands, lovely bead embellishment and a name. Her name is Hope.
She really is a fascinating little art doll and I just thought that it might be fun to share her with all of you.
If you have never tried a round robin but would like to, I highly encourage you to give one a try. I gained enormous insight into myself as an artist by my own participation.
A round robin is just a great way to learn about yourself and about the creative process of other artists! So the next time you hear of one that interests you, give it a whirl! It's a whole lotta fun!
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