Life changes so quickly.
One moment the people we know and love are beside us and the next moment, they are swept out to sea by a tsunami, or consumed by an illness, or lost to some other unexpected, random set of events.
It is so easy to forget about the fragility of this life.....
We go through our lives, living as if the urgency of getting to work on time supercedes the urgency of acknowledging and expressing the love we hold for one another.
I refuse to live that way any longer, because it is a superficial way of living that is characterized by resentment and regret rather than gentleness and love.
Today, I challenge myself to focus on what's truly important. I challenge myself to discard my everyday pettiness and concentrate on uplifting and encouraging each person who crosses my path.
Today I want to bathe myself in tenderness and compassion, so that everywhere I go, the aroma of grace and hope will follow and linger in the air for others to inhale
I vow to seize this day in recognition that life is short, that life is fragile, and that we need handle both ourselves and one another with care.
I challenge you to do the same.
Just stop and consider the fragility of life while you are standing in line at the grocery store and the elderly person in front of you is painstakingly counting out the coin for their purchase. Do you really want to waste any of your precious energy by cursing when the speed loving jerk in his brand new 2005 SUV cuts you off in traffic today?
Just for today, put your capacity to love before your tendency towards irritation. Smile at the grocery store clerk. Speak gently to the elderly woman in front of you. Encourage the child who has spilled milk for the third time in one day.
Just do it!

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