Sunday, March 20, 2005

Do You See What I See?


Check it out! Do you see what I see?

My amazing 15 year old daughter is number one in her class! She almost had a heart attack when we received her report card and she saw her class ranking. She truly had no idea.

It is a rare thing to see a 15 year old woman-child, so remarkably humble.

I think people have the wrong idea about what it means to be humble. I see humility as a state of being, a way of understanding who one is and of knowing one's areas of giftedness without thinking too much or too little of one's own self. It's about being "right sized". It's about being confident of one's place in the world.

I love my daughter, not because she is academically gifted, but because she is still so willing to sit with me, to speak with me, to try to understand who I am as her mother and as woman. That my friends, is an even more amazing thing than being ranked 1 out of 546.

So, when I ask the question, "Do you see what I see?" it really isn't about my daughter's grades, or her class ranking. It's about her humility, her joy, and her sincere love for others.

Ok, so maybe I am bragging just a little; but I guarantee you, if you were this young woman's mother, you would brag too!

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