waxed fabric collage on wood~j. N-L
Love is the river of life in the world.
Henry Ward Beecher
Not too long ago, I decided to paint some unbleached muslin.
Don't ask me why I wanted to hand paint the fabric, but I did.
Then, for some insane reason, I had to embroider on the painted fabric. Just to complicate things a little, I used that metallic embroidery floss. If you haven't used this stuff before, you will just have to trust me when I say that it is a pain in the patooty to use!
Ok, so now I have this pretty piece of fabric that I've hand painted, embroidered and I don't know what to do with the darn thing.
Being the creative woman that I am, I began to assemble a piece of sanded wood board, the embellished fabric piece, more unbleached muslin, beeswax, my clover iron...and well, you guessed it! I decided to bring forth a deliciously sweet smelling beeswax collage made with fabric and mounted on wood.
I'm calling this piece, "The River of Life".
This is the name that spoke itself into being before I had even cut my muslin to begin the painting process.
It speaks to me now, just as it did then.
Would you like to see more of this piece? Check out my other blog! I'll be posting more photos there!
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