We had just returned from a puddle stomp. (Puddle stomps are defined as follows: forays into the wet Oregon rain with the sole purpose of stomping through every rain puddle within a five block radius.)
Our coats were in the dryer.
We had changed into dry clothing.
We were warm.
We were dry.....
...and we were sitting at the kitchen table sipping hot, vanilla chocolate with whipped cream.
Quite unexpectedly my five year old daughter looked up over her hot chocolate and in that sweetly pitched voice of a five year old child announced, "Momma, I think this is the best day of my life!"
For a moment, time stood still and as I gazed into her chocolate mustached face, I swear the bottom dropped out of my soul. My love for her spilled out of my toes, welled up out of my eyes and it was all I could do to reply, "Oh yes! This just has to be one of the best days of my life too!"
Laughing, we "clinked" our cocoa mugs and toasted to the best day of our lives!
Dear God in heaven, does life get any sweeter?
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