Saturday, December 17, 2005

Blessed be....

This morning I was up early.

The frost was heavy and the city was quiet.

I decided that I would celebrate the stillness with a Starbucks latte and scone....which took some doing, since I had to scrap the car windows like crazy before I could drive.

Once I had my coffee and orange cranberry scone, I settled in to read from the book of Luke. Luke's gospel account is beautiful. I enjoy Matthew, Mark and John as well, but this morning, it was the book of Luke which beckoned and invited me to once again enter into the Christmas story and into the life of Christ.

For some reason, out of the first six chapters that I read, this is the passage which struck me the most. Here it is:

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has looked favorably on his people and redeemed them.
Luke 1:68

Here's what happened to me when I read those words.

I cried.

Tears began streaming down my face and gratitude welled up from within me.

I think many Christians understand redemption in the traditional sense; that is to say, as "being saved from the bondage of sin". There's nothing wrong with this of course, and I don't mean to imply that there is; but for me, redemption means so, so much more.

For me ,"redemption" also means the "restoration of worth" and the "restoration of honor".

Don't you see? Yes Christ redeems us from our sin, but he also beckons us to understand our value and our belovedness. Yes, Christ saves us, but then He does something even more amazing. He bows before us and He offers us His kingdom.

Ok, don't slam me. I'm not a nincompoop. I understand that being saved from the bondage of sin is a big deal; but if you've ever felt completely and utterly worthless, if you've ever felt lower than amoeba dung, then you understand the mystery and miracle of finally touching upon your own belovedness.

Christ did that for me.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has looked favorably upon his daughter Jerri, and he has redeemed her!

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