If you have read my blog for any period of time, then you know that I am not adverse to some forms of "potty humor".
In the past I've reviewed the literary delights of books such as "Walter The Farting Dog" by William Kotzwinkle; and now, at long last, I have yet another suggestion for those of us who possess a perverse penchant for fartlore.
Yes indeed! Check out Jim Dawson's masterpiece, "Who Cut the Cheese? A Cultural History of The Fart"
It's hilarious and surprisingly well written.
Now sometimes people ask me how I find out about these unusual books. In the case of Kotzwinkle's book, let's just say that I've been a fan of Kotswinkle's work since my college days. As for Dawson's intellectual treatise on the history of fartdom, well I happened upon that little gem by reading Ninjanun's blog.
Check out the blog. She's an interesting read.
....fartlore and a blog plug all rolled into one!
Aren't you glad you stopped by today?
Why yes I am glad I stopped in today. There is nothing better than a good fart story! *grin*
and then there is "The Other "F" Word" by Barry Seltzer & Erwin Seltzer (found on Amazon when looking for "Who Cut the Cheese?")
there really isn't anything better than a good fart story...
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