Today we are having a baked french toast casserole for our Sunday brunch.
My oldest daugther and I made this delectable dish using cinnamon chip bread from the Great Harvest Bread Company.
We also added eight eggs, half and half, cinnamon, nutmeg. Oh, and let's not forget the pièce de résistance....a buttery praline topping!
It should be yummy.
I'm not sure what scripture verse we will use today. This week, our oldest daughter is in charge of our scripture reading.
I do know that there will be lots of praying going on. We have so much to thank God for these days, and so much to ask of Him too.
If you were going to invite God to your Sunday noon meal, what would you like to say to Him? What questions would you ask?
This might actually be a great launching point for our brunch discussion today.....
Perhaps this shows my spiritual immaturity, but I would have lots of "why" questions. One really big one would be: God, why do you permit suffering?
(By the way, this is my question for God, not man. I've already heard and read man's answers.)
How about you?
What would you ask the Big Guy?
Here are the questions we asked God this morning at our brunch.
Nine year old son: God, are aliens real?
Twelve year old daughter: God, why do you allow little children to still be bought and sold into slavery?
Seventeen year old daughter: God, will the Jewish people get to go to heaven? (This question generated two additional questions: Does hell exist? and Is the lake of fire in Revelations metaphorical or real?)
Fourteen year old son: God, who took my fourteen dollars and will you smite them for me?
Me: God why do you allow suffering to persist?
Six year old daughter: Where do people in heaven go to the bathroom?
Husband: God, how can we know for sure that you are real?
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