Yesterday I began my morning walk a bit later than usual. It was probably about 9:00 am or so, and when I stepped outside, I found myself startled by the brightness of the moon contrasted against the cerulean blue of sky.
And yes, since I rarely leave home without my camera these days, I snapped the photo you see above.
I love this photo. I love it because in a very real and very poignant way, this photo manages to capture that magical, never ending vibe of late summer. Can't you just see the way time seems to have lost its edge as the crispness of each day melts into the lengthening night? Or maybe, in this instance, I have that all backwards. Maybe I really mean to say that time has lost its edge as the lengthening night stretches into the crispness of each day?
Either way, these late summer days magically seem longer, more mellow, more refined...even though in truth, the days are shorter now. Time has grown all blurry. Late summer is upon us and I love it. I love every sweetly drawn hour, every minute, every second.
All I can say is, thank you God for the sweetness of this season.
Thank you God.
Thank you!
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