We had a busy day this past Sunday.
Our youngest daughter was playing upstairs and stepped on a bamboo skewer. The skewer impaled her in the ball of her foot and broke off.
She, of course, became mildly hysterical when my husband tried to grab the little piece of wood that stuck up over the flesh of her foot. My husband in his wildly misguided effort to keep her calm, had her bite down on a clean hand towel while he continued to try to dislodge the skewer. This biting down caused our daughter to knock out her barely loose front top tooth, which in turn bled and added to our young daughters growing hysteria.
By now, everyone in the neighborhood could hear our child's frantic wails
At this point, my husband called for reinforcements.....which translates of course to mean me. I took one look at the situation and said, "Hmmm, I think we need a doctor."
Our daughter's foot had swollen by this time and the exposed tip of the bamboo skewer had disappeared deep into swelling. There was no way I was going to get that skewer out. We needed medical intervention.
Sooooo, off to the urgent care clinic we went.
When we arrived, we were treated fairly quickly. The doc tried everything. He used the sliver forceps, alligator clamps and even tried the skinny nosed mosquito forceps. Of course, nothing was moving the 1.5 inch skewer tip lodged in our child's foot. Noooo, that would have been too simple, now wouldn't it?
More invasive action was required. Novocaine syringes were produced and the doc proceeded to numb our child's foot. He dug around, dug around, poked and poked, but wouldn't you know it? That darn skewer tip wasn't cooperating.
Soooooo, out came another Novocaine syringe, more numbing and a small incision was made.
Finally, after an additional five minutes of digging and chasing that darn piece of wood, the doc was able to pull out the skewer from our daughter's foot.
Meanwhile, our oldest daughter was at home baking our youngest daughter the most amazing "sorry you skewered your foot" cupcakes I've ever tasted.
She even decorated the cupcakes with broken off skewers.

All's well that ends well, right?
Phew! What a day!
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