I've had more than my fair share this past year due those pesky TIA's I suffered back in January.
Today, it is my son's turn. In just a few hours, we will be heading off to have a set of spinal x-rays taken.
Last spring, during an annual sports physical the pediatrician noted abnormalities with our son's ribcage and sternum. We weren't particularly concerned then, but x-rays were taken just to rule out scoliosis. No definative diagnosis was delivered, although no evidence of scoliosis was found either.
Over the summer, our son struggled with intermittent back pain. Our doctor tells us that this could be a sign that something in the spine has changed, and thus we are making yet another visit to our local imaging consultants.
Blah, blah, blah, oh, and by the way, our washing machine is broken too, blah, blah, blah.
....and I don't know why I'm boring you with all of this.
I guess I'm just worried for my son and annoyed by the death of our 17 year old washing machine.
Small potatoes compared to what some families must deal with today.
So, I'm just going to quit while I'm ahead here and say that even though I'm worried, even though I'm annoyed, I consider myself incredibly fortunate.
Today, we have food for our dinner. We have a home to rest our weary bodies; but most important of all, we have love. We have love for one another, for our God, and for our neighbors.
I can do this. I can get through this day. I can because Christ's love, which is the glue that holds all things together, will hold me together too.
In the end, love conquers all things. Nothing's too small for God. Not me, not my child nor any one of my many household appliances.
....blah, blah, blah, I'm done, blah, blah, blah, thank God, right?
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