This evening, all across this great land of ours, people will lift up their eyes towards the heavens. The sky will explode into bright bursts of color. With sweet innocence and awe, children will sigh and women will gently reach for the hands of their partners. A hush will then hang between the smoke, and the spark, and the smell of gunpowder....
When that moment of quiet descends, pause and remember our countrymen and women who are fighting and dieing this very day on foreign soil. Pray for their safe return and for the end of this insane violence and bloodshed.
A great American forefather once said:
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
--Abraham Lincoln
Oh, I know that Lincoln's words hail from another time and another place in American history; but they are no less true today than they were then.
Set aside the whole Iraqi war travesty if you must, and consider the recent Supreme Court decision regarding eminent domain made on June 24, 2005. This decision, made by the highest Court in our land, says that it is perfectly fine under the U.S. Constitution to take your home or your business, and to give it to a politically connected private developer.
Talk about the erosion of personal freedom.....
Oh Abe, where is your voice when this country so needs your wisdom?
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