This squirrel is just looking for trouble.
I can see it in his eyes.
To the average passer by, this may be just another potbellied, peanut munching squirrel; but I know better. He along with the rest of his kind, is quietly plotting to overthrow the human race. The gray squirrels, the red squirrels, the ground squirrels and even those cheeky little chipmunks have all united under the common goal of ridding the world of humankind.
Does this sound too far fetched? If it does, just ask yourself, "What kind of species are we?"
After all, we cook our own babies to death in over heated automobiles. We whip our children with electrical cords until blood runs down their legs for spilling their milk. We routinely and deliberately starve our children. We deny them access to medical and dental care.
If you don't think these things are happening, than I challenge you to open your eyes and your heart. It won't take you long to see the devastating need too many of our children suffer. Visit a USDA summer lunch program. Watch and listen. Some of these children won't eat any other meal than the one you see before them. Some will ask to take food home to eat later; but they can't because all food must be consumed on site.
Pick up a newspaper. Read. You won't have to read too far past the front page to see the stories about meth babies and children saved from their meth addicted parents that are now languishing in an over burdened foster care system.
It's horrifying to see the way we treat our children; and I say we, because to some extent I believe we are all culpable. The squirrels would be right to plot a revolution to end mankinds' reign of terror.
Sign me up! I'm ready for a good revolution!
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