The quality of writing has diminished in JK Rowling's recent book, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
It wasn't well written or particularly compelling....until the last 20 pages that is.
Even so, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is my pick for book of the week.
While it is true that part six of the Potter chronicle is poorly written and even though the characters languish and the plot stumbles along, this novel is still better than most books being published for younger readers.
Sadly, the most interesting aspect of this book may be the evangelical community's assertion that JK Rowling is the devil's spawn.
I'm not going to re-hash that whole drama out here however. Suffice it to say, I won't be burning my Harry Potter book today or any other day.
I just wish that all those individuals intent on staging Harry Potter book burnings, would send me the $15.00 they paid for each and every book they are setting afire.
I could certainly put their money to better use.
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