My friend Annie has such perfect timing.
Somehow she knew that I have been sorrowing for all of the little inconsequential things that I've yet to experience in this life. Things like long legs, and clear skin, and tropical island paradises.
Somehow she knew that I have been overwhelmed with the tasks of speech writing and child rearing.
Somehow she knew that I needed to see a friend.
As only a good friend can, Annie knew that I needed to step outside of my own life (in order to step back in); and so, she came and she whisked me away. We spent our time sipping coffee in the early morning sun. And in that time together we laughed, and we dreamed, and we ate apple fritters and cranberry orange scones.
Somehow, this time away allowed me to reclaim a little of the "me" that I had lost in the busyness of sorrowing and tending to the details of my life.
And just when I thought the morning couldn't get any better, Annie pulls out this gorgeous mannequin leg from her back seat and she says, "Here Jerri, this is for you. I found two legs at a garage sale down the street and I just had to get one for you!"
Isn't this just the most perfect gift ever?
My children were so envious when they saw my new treasure.
"Wow" exclaimed my eight year old son, "you get to keep that?"
"Heck yes!" I replied.
What a gam!
What a morning!
What a life!
Post Script~ My speech last night did not go well. In the first place, I was asked to trash can the original plan to even give a speech. We engaged in a question/answer kind of format, which I happen to really love but in this case I was tired, and nervous and lacking in confidence.
It was a recipe for disaster and a disaster it was...by my estimation anyway.
I'm thinking this will be the end to my short lived speaking career.
That's ok though, the whole evening was a great excuse to gorge on dark chocolate Lindor truffles....and oh, I think I love those darn truffles almost as much as I love my new, long and lovely plastic gam!
(Isn't "gam" the funniest word ever?)
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