Thursday, July 06, 2006

Quips and Quotes

Normally I like to do a "Thursday's Thirteen" meme, but right now I am absolutely certain that I do not have enough gray matter firing to calculate my way past the number three.

Given the current limitations of my intellectual capabilities, I am choosing instead to share a brief snippet from a conversation I just had with my ten year old daughter.

"So," says I, "how was camp today?"

(All four of our oldest children have been away this week at our church's day camp!)

"Well," she replies, "we didn't learn anything about getting naked for Jesus, but we did talk about the story of Zacharias."


I laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants!


PS~ To understand the hilarity of this comment you have to understand that I am currently writing a speech about the spiritual discipline of simplicity and that I've playfully entitled this speech, "Getting Naked For Jesus."

Over the past couple of days, my ten year old has been a faithful audience of one, helping me practice my delivery!

I'm not sure if her comment is indicative of the fact that she thinks my message is worthy enough to be taught at church camp, or whether she just has one razor sharp sense of humor!

Either way, she made me laugh and all that oxygen rushing to my brain has supplied the burst of energy I needed to get this post written.

All of which just goes to show that I need to laugh a little more....

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