Sunday, July 30, 2006

To dream an impossible dream.....

If I had the money, I would buy the Jewish Temple that is up for sale down the street. (That sentence makes me laugh..."up for sale down the street"? Sheesh!)

Why would I buy the Temple down the street?

Well, I would like to start a new church.

A new church you say?

Yes, a new church....a church for my neighborhood.

A church whose congregation reflects all of the pain and suffering, all of the glory and goodness that I see happening around me on a daily basis.

It would be a church of many colors, many traditions, many ages, many income levels, all bound together by the love of Christ.

It would be a church committed to loving one another and to loving others in our community.

We would exist for one purpose only. To love God, to love ourselves and to love one another.

We would explore together what that "loving" actually looks like.

We would not be afraid to wrestle with the difficult questions, with God, or with one another; but we would do so with respect, kindness and love.

We would be a church that would worship together, not spend half of our time discussing church business.

All discussions of the three "B's" (buildings, budgets, and butts in seats), would be banned in our church.

Instead, we would worship the most high God. We would include the elderly, the young, the crack whores and the elementary school teachers. We would dance and we would sing for the glory of God.

.....and then, when we have failed in any of this (and failure is inevitable in some form), we would practice forgiveness with both ourselves and with one another.

Ahhh well, I suppose it's a good thing that I don't have the money to buy the Temple building down the street.

In the end, I doubt such a church would survive.

Still, it doesn't hurt to dream now does it?

So what if the dream is an impossible one?

It doesn't hurt to dream.....


PS~ The Jewish Temple is still alive and thriving. They are just moving to bigger, better and brighter digs! Thus, their former building is now available for purchase!

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