Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Insanity by Sunrise.

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars.
~Martin Luther

This morning I watched the sun rise.

It's been a long while since I've taken the time to simply watch as morning mysteriously breaks through the quiet darkness of night.

Today, I was struck by one thing.

This entire world is a love message from God.

I'm sure some of you have seen the movie, "The Matrix". Do you remember how the world which everyone believed to be real, was actually a computer program(s)? Do you remember that when people were unplugged from the matrix they began to see the world not as the visual images they had assumed to be real, but as the computer code it really was?

That's what my experience was like this morning.

In the stillness of the early morning and in the quiet of a world just stretching into wakefulness, I saw, heard, smelled and experienced the world as a love poem from God.

His love was encoded in every splash of color, in every bug, squirrel and bird. It was as if the things themselves ceased to exist and I was literally surrounded by the love of our Creator.

I am convinced that God's love is encoded in us as well. Listen closely to the beating of your own heart. Feel the pulse of life as it throbs through your veins. Still your mind and let the quiet voice of God whisper his love for you.

Unplug your own mind and cease viewing this world through the eyes of popular science and culture. God's love is encoded everywhere. We ourselves are ablaze with it, washed in it and born out of God's great love.

Sound crazy?

Maybe...but I've been called worse; and this is a crazy I can live with!

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