Today is the big day!
It is race day!
Thousands of children, from preschoolers to middle schoolers will be running in the Awesome 3000.
This is a truly "awesome" annual event, where every child is a winner!
My oldest daughter will be volunteering by assisting and encouraging the runners.
My ten year old and my eight year old will be running!
Our youngest son (the eight year old) is planning on wearing his faux coon skin cap, so we will be sure to see him and cheer him on when he runs by.
Isn't that hilarious?
Can't you just see him, running along, all decked out in his coon skin cap? Cracks me up just thinking about it!
Later gators, I'm off to the races!
PS~ Well, it is now 5:15 pm. The Awesome 3000 was, well in a word, awesome! Right now I'm foo-fooing up so that I will look presentable when I speak this evening on the spiritual discipline of fasting.
Please, if you are so inclined, would you pray for me?
I'm scared poopless!
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