Have you ever written a letter to God?
(I have.)
Have you ever mailed your letter to God?
(I did.)
That sounds a little silly now doesn't it?
I'm not entirely certain what happened to my letter; but I like to believe that my letter made its way to Israel, where it was then sorted and placed into a special pile destined for delivery to Jerusalem's Western Wall.
I have good reason to think this might be so. You see, if a letter addressed to the Almighty reaches Israel, it is sorted and then a rabbi will deliver and place each letter into one of the many cracks that line the wall. At least, this is what I read some years ago in a news article similar to this one
I wonder what it must feel like to be the rabbi charged with the responsibility of placing humanity's written prayers into the Wailing Wall?
I wonder if the rabbi feels a sacred connection with God, and with the writers of all those letters every time he touches one of their envelopes?
I think I would.
I once believed that being the Publisher's Clearing House Prize Patrol person would be my ultimate dream job. Just think about it! Wouldn't it be wonderful to be the person in charge of giving all that money away to all of those surprised people?
I still think that being on the prize patrol would be a rather cool job; but truth be told, these days I'd much rather be the rabbi delivering God's mail to the Western Wall.
1 comment:
you'd make an incredible rabbi
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