Saturday, May 27, 2006

Please pray

I have a friend for whom I am supremely worried.

Two years ago, her oldest daughter died. She was only 22 years old and it was a tragic death.

Now my friend is exhibiting erratic behaviors which suggest that either drugs or alcohol are being misused.

Today I will be spending some time with my friend and I intend to ask her if she is using. There is no delicate way for me to ask the questions I must ask. There is no way to soften the words I must say.

Oh, I suppose that I could just shut my yap and say nothing; but I refuse to pretend that I do not see the recent changes that I have seen in her. I love her too much.

Difficult conversations such as these require holy guidance and more often than not, holy intervention.

If you believe in the power of prayer, would you pray for us today?

Even if you do not believe in prayer, would you pray for us today?

I don't care what form your prayer takes. A quick breath prayer, a long epic prayer...a gentle look cast heavenward, just do it, please?

I am afraid and I need your care.

I need your prayer.

Please pray.

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