For some strange reason, the swear words have been flying.
Just the other day, my ten year old was screeching one swear word in particular.
Can you guess which one?
I suppose I'm old fashioned, but if a child wants to swear in my home they had better do it quietly and in the privacy of their own room.
I make allowances for the occasional excited utterance. We can't control ourselves 100% of the time, and if a "hot damn" or two slip out every now and then, I can live with that.
Screaming "a**hole" over and over at 6:23 am, just because your older brother is being an annoying teenager, is simply unacceptable.
Yes, dealing with teenagers can sometimes inspire the desire to spew salty language hither and yon...and I'm sympathetic to my darling daughter's plight, really I am.
There have been many times when I've had to resist my own urge to spew.
But, in the final analysis, words do have power and I think it's a good thing to learn to control one's own spew.
What about you? Do you control your spew?
If not, spew on you!
(Awww c'mon, lighten up! I'm just kidding around!)
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