Sunday, May 07, 2006

Surfing with Christ

Christ came.

He saw.

He conquered.

That's how I feel about the way things went last night when I spoke about the spiritual discipline of fasting.

In the past when I've shared my passion for fasting with others, (which in my mind, is really feasting upon God), people have been very resistant to hearing my thoughts. It's as if the words in my heart would rise up through my throat and then get lost in mid air somewhere.

Last night was different.

People seemed to actually hear my heart last night. So much so, that they have agreed as a group, to attempt a 24 hour group fast next Saturday.

I think this is nothing short of a miracle.

If you doubt that God is active and moving among His people, think again! God's miracles abound in this world! I was privileged to witness more than one last night.

The first miracle, was that I was even asked to speak. Me, a nobody in this world, was asked to share a piece of her spiritual journey.

The second miracle, was that I could speak and that I was able to articulate what fasting has meant to me and to my relationship with God.

The third miracle, was that somehow, my heart spoke to their hearts.

Do you begin to see what I mean when I say: Christ came, he saw, and he conquered?

It was Christ in me who spoke. It was Christ in me who formed the words his people could hear. It was Christ in me who moved his people to consider fasting for our Father.

There is a fullness in my heart this morning, a deep well of gratitude for what Christ does for and through me.

I am learning that there truly is no greater privilege than to serve Him. I am learning that if I step out onto the waters of faith, I will not sink. In fact, today, Christ and I are literally riding upon the waves of our love for one another.

Can you see us?

Christ and I are surfing together; and if you listen closely, you will hear our delight as it echoes over the roar of the ocean!

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