I do not know if I will have the opportunity to update my blog over the coming days...
Never fear however! I will have a multitude of stories to share upon our return!
So don't forget me while I am gone!
Farewell for now....
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1…. Reading material: Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight; Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller; Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza 2.... The dog kennel for Lily D. Dog. 3.... Tweezers for the infernal hair that grows everywhere but my scalp. 4.... Magnetic chess and magnetic checker games to while away the hours. 5.... Treat bags filled with skittles, Swedish fish, whoopers, crackers, teddy grahams ect. These are to be occasionally doled out to calm the savage hearts of our wild traveling companions (aka, our children) 6.... Butt wipes! Yes, over the years, we've learned that baby wipes have a multitude of good uses that far exceed their intended purpose.Therefore, a nice little box continues to travel with us, even though are babies are no longer babies! 7.... My journal and a pen 8.... Gum, our secret weapon in combating the halitosis that will undoubtedly erupt after 14 hours of car travel, limited brushing, and God only knows how many treat bags are consumed. 9.... H2O. As parents, we desire to keep ourselves and our children hydrated. I think the boys will drink, just so they can explore every rest stop between here and Helena, Montana! 10.... Movies. If the van we are renting has a DVD player I plan to rent a few movies. The challenge here is to find good wholesome family fare that will entertain both the 16 year old and the 5 year old. Impossible I know, but I will try....."Honey Are We There Yet?" will not be included. 11.... Pillows! I cannot sleep without my ancient, flat, bacteria infested pillow from home. 12.... Ben Lee, WOW 2006, Tracy Chapman and few other recording artists will be our traveling companions. We plan to rock out to an eclectic mix of vocal stylings with an aim to please everyone in our multi-generational traveling party. 13....Art supplies. I want to sketch the marvels I will see. Montana in the spring time is beyond beautiful. |
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