Thursday, May 04, 2006

Thursday's Thirteen Things About My Week

Thirteen things about my week!

1… Yesterday, I realized that I covet my neighbor's wisteria! If I could I would sneak over in the dark of night and move that gorgeous creation from their yard to my own, I would! Bad Jerri! Baaaaad Jerri!

2...Apologies to all of my Hispanic friends, but I made flan on Tuesday and it was not a hit in our home. Suffice it to say, I am not a fan of flan. The strawberry shortcake on the other hand....oh, now that was the stuff dessert laden dreams are made of! (Oops I just dangled a preposition, my Mother is rolling over in her grave, isn't she oh sister mine?)

3...On Monday, a neighbor shared several monstrously sized salmon steaks that he had caught and cleaned that morning. We feasted that night. Groans of contentment were echoing in the Lance house! Kudos to Scott for his thoughtfulness and generosity!

4...My five year old told me yesterday that she prays for Satan. Some mothers would be horrified by this, but I have prayed similar prayers. I cannot help but hope that even Satan would one day fall to his knees in adoration before our loving God. (Do you suppose Satan even has knees?)

5...The spirit of God has been moving in and through me this week. I see the evidence of His presence written in the laugh lines of my husband's face, in the tender caress of my five year old as we snuggle on the couch, and in the wagging tail of our Lily beast who faithfully greets each and every one of us, every day, every time we return home. Yesterday, I prayed, "Thank God for you God!"and my five year old giggled. I heard God's laughter in her echo!

6...My husband and I finally lost our patience with our children for keeping such hideously dirty rooms. We gathered up 11 bags of "stuff" from their bedroom floors, and threw the bags in the backyard. They have until next Friday to sort through the debris and from then on everything is destined for the city dump. Would you believe that four days later, not a single bag has been sorted? In the meantime, they cannot watch tv, play on the computer, talk on the phone or play with friends...any bets on how much longer it takes to break them?

7....This week I've become keenly aware that several friends have disappeared in the blog-o-shpere! Chief among them is Debb! Debb, where have you been?

8...My friend Annie came to visit and she brought her darling grandsons with her. I could have smooched them both right up. I didn't though, because the older child was too old and the younger was only two and all the world knows that two year olds don't generally tolerate smooching from strangers!

9...I began two new books this week. One is called "Left to Tell" by Immaculee Ilibagiza, and the other is "Night" by Elie Wiesel. Both are MUST reads. (Don't read them in the same week however.....very soul heavy ponderings result when one seriously contemplates genocide.)

10...My friend Michele was off exploring the wilds of Arkansas this past week. I don't hanker to visit Arkansas, but I will admit to a longing for Paris....alas, my traveling bug will have to be satisfied with the trip to Montana later this month!

11...I've spent this entire week turning myself into a nervous Nelly, by worrying about my speaking engagement this Saturday. I hate that I've done this...I'd rather be stealing the neighbor's wisteria!

12...I planned my vegetable garden. This summer, if all goes well, we will feast upon corn, tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, radish, artichokes and the ubiquitous red leaf lettuce! We may throw in some other things as well...we always leave a little room for spontaneity!

13...I shaved my legs this week. This is how I herald in the spring....I whack off the winter's growth of leg hair. Sad, I know; but this is my life, strange as it all is and I thank God for it...every little bit!

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1 comment:

The bad Liz said...

Shave? You mean that I am supposed to shave that stuff on my legs?

I thought that if I wore capris, I didn't have to.

{enter raspberry noise here}

I hate shaving. I'd rather steal wisteria's.